Coaching with The Collective

A powerful 3-6 month immersive coaching container that incorporates the safety and depth of 1:1 private coaching with your personal coach, AND the potent impact of coaching in community with other like-minded women; supporting, sharing, connecting, and rising together. 

Georgie and her team of masterful coaches will guide you through your own transformational journey, as you’re also invited to join other women on theirs. Collectively see you’re not alone, and forge a new way forward; more ease in your success and deep fulfillment in your life, both privately and collectively. 

    • 2+ Private Coaching Sessions per month with your personal coach

    • 1 Collective Call (group coaching session with Georgie) every month with the other powerhouse women coaching within The Collective

    • Access to all digital events hosted for those in The Collective (Breathwork sessions, NLM Method sessions and others)

    • Live coaching support between sessions with your personal coach

    • Discounted access to all CL digital courses and events launched within your time with us 


This is what it means to me and what I'm inviting you into;


A life that’s... Connected. Fulfilling. Intuitive. Easeful. Expressive. Pleasurable. Freeing. Purposeful.

It DOESN'T mean it’s always sunshine and rainbows, or fantasy-land joy in every minute. But it is a rich life! It's a life that's deeply lived - from the inside out AND the outside in. It’s a life full of expansive growth and purposeful pleasure. It's a life that feels deeply nourishing and joyfully worth living.

  • Presence - Show up and pay attention to your life.

    Partnership - You're not meant to do it all on your own, stop trying to shoulder everything.

    Healing - Stop ignoring the problems and do 'the work' to free yourself from your past.

    Willingness - Being a 'yes' to yourself and your life FOR YOU.

    Trust - In yourself, in your potential, in something bigger than just you.

    No bullshit - Ditch the stories that keep you out of the driver's seat of your life.

    Action - Find a way to take steps. You-paced steps. Progressive steps.

    Accountability - Teamwork makes the dream work.

    Love - Ground everything in this.

  • Watching my clients step into this and witnessing who they become in the process, is truly my greatest privilege as their coach. It becomes less about what they’re doing as we MARVEL at who they’re being. I truly am in awe of the women I get to work with.

    It’s important that you know, that whilst I am here to talk about big dreams, professional goals and all the good feels, I’m also here to go deep. I’m here to hold space for the healing, feel the big feelings and truly invite ALL of you in (especially the parts that you’re too afraid to share elsewhere). This is a container where ALL OF YOU is welcome.

    I only work with a small number of clients at once so I can support them deeply. This means spaces are limited, so if you wish to explore working together, applying early can often set you up for success. A minimum six-month commitment is required up front because that gives you time to truly create sustainable changes in your life.

    I acknowledge you for your courage in exploring coaching as an option, knowing and seeing your true potential beyond what currently is. I look forward to working with you or redirecting you to another coach or resource that is a better fit. I am here to support you!